VOTIVA not only tightens the vaginal muscles non-surgically, it is the only non-surgical FDA treatment for urinary incontinence!

What are the benefits of this treatment?

Votiva allows for a functional restoration of the vagina, which helps fighting and attenuating symptoms related to vaginal atrophy, a widespread problem among pre and postmenopausal women. Thanks to its action on factors that determine dryness, fragility and loss of mucosal elasticity, this treatment can eliminate troublesome itching, irritation and pain, which become particularly acute during intercourse. The interaction with device is, in fact, the ideal method to stimulate the collagen contained in the vaginal walls for the rehydration and functional tissue restoration. Its beneficial action can contribute to improve self-confidence and sexual pleasure.

Is it painful?

No, usually no anesthesia required. The sensation is a light vibration.

What type of results can I expect?

Most treated patients report a reduction in dryness, burning sensation, pain during intercourse, and urinary symptoms which contributes to a substantial improvement in the quality of life. These results are possible, thanks to the stimulation of the mucosa, which regenerates and “rejuvenates

For which women is votiva treatment most suitable?

For any woman who want prevent or treat the vaginal symptoms due to estrogenic decrease (in menopause, after a childbirth, after a cancer treatment, or after an eating disturb –anorexia) . Most common symptoms vaginal dryness, laxity, burning, pain during sexual intercourse and mild urinary incontinence. Votivia is the ideal treatment for those who are looking for a less invasive procedure, compared to traditional surgical or pharmaceutical treatments. Remember, no one can advise you better about Votivia and what is best for you to achieve best results than your doctor

Are there any risks?

There are some minimal risks. The treatment is performed on an outpatient basis. Most women report temporary side effects, slight redness or swelling: some discomfort that usually disappears.

How many treatments are needed?

It depends on how serious the symptoms are. We usually recommended 1 to 3 treatments, 40-60 days apart, followed by an annual maintenance treatment.



Are there any contraindications?

There is no exclusion criteria for Votiva, other than those related to serious local or systemic diseases. In general, all women who have vaginal disorders like dryness, laxity, burning and itching can benefit from this treatment; however, your doctor must determine whether you are compatible.

How long do the effects of the treatment last?

The results are immediate, even after the first treatment and improve over subsequent months. The regeneration process that it triggers lasts 40-60 days, after which it is advisable to repeat the treatment.

How is the recovery?

Most women report slight localized discomfort following the treatment and during the first few days after the session. Many have reported to have resumed their normal routine after one to three days. Your doctor will give you specific indications for a speedy recovery.

How soon can I resume sexual activity?

We usually recommend 2 to 3 days of rest before resuming regular sexual activity. In any case, it will be up to your doctor to give you more specific guidance based on the outcome of the treatment
