A chemical peel is a cosmetic procedure that can dramatically change the skin surface. It can help improve fine lines, smooth the skin texture, and lighten the pigment. The procedure can also help treat acne and fade sunspots.
Chemical peels work by getting rid of the outer skin layer. The peel contains different acids, depending on an individual’s specific complaint. You can talk to a skin expert about the procedure. It helps to know what you can expect with a chemical peel.
Getting a Chemical Peel
Chemical peels are highly effective for rejuvenating the skin. Before the procedure, the specialist will analyze the skin to determine the best treatment solution. The cosmetic procedure can help reverse the effects of sunlight, age, and acne.
A chemical peel can be a stand-alone treatment or alongside other skin treatment procedures. There are different chemical peels, so you need to find out the best one for you.
Chemical Peel Procedure
A chemical peel will begin with a thorough cleansing of the skin. How the procedure proceeds will depend on whether you are getting a light peel, medium peel, or deep peel. If you are getting a deep peel, you may require a mild sedative.
This will help ensure that you are comfortable throughout the treatment. The aesthetician will use a cotton applicator or brush to apply the solution directly to the skin. As the chemical sits on the skin, you may notice the skin beginning to change color.
How the Chemical Works
You may experience a mild stinging sensation as the acids penetrate the skin. The intensity of the sensation will depend on the strength of the chemicals. Most people do not experience discomfort when getting a light peel.
If you are getting a medium peel, you can use a handheld fan to soothe the skin, easing the mild discomfort. A chemical peel treatment can take between 20 to 90 minutes, depending on the chemicals used and your goals. At the end of the treatment, the doctor will neutralize the acid and remove it from the skin.
After the Chemical Peel
In the days and weeks after the chemical peel, the face may appear tender, red, and a bit swollen. You will receive aftercare instructions depending on the peel that you received. During this period, avoid rubbing, scratching, and picking at your sensitive skin.
The skin will usually look worse before you see the desired results. You may notice dryness, flakiness, breakouts, and discoloration. Skin peeling is a characteristic of the treatment, so you should expect to see flaking as the skin layer changes.
The Results You Can Expect
The results of a chemical peel will vary depending on the individual. Different factors will determine the results that you get. The factors include your age, skin condition, the chemical solution used, and the severity of the skin blemishes.
It is vital to schedule follow-up sessions to achieve your ultimate goals. Before you get a chemical peel, talk to the specialist about any complications or side effects from the treatment.
For more on what you can expect from a chemical peel, visit Handal Plastic Surgery at our office in Boca Raton, Florida. You can call 561-220-6360 today to schedule an appointment.